Top Ten Places to Visit in Asia

A person, who knows even the basics of world geography, must be aware of the grandeur and dominance that Asia has over the other continents. The reason behind Asia’s superiority is not only the fact that it is the largest among all the continents in the world but is also home to diverse cultures, customs, traditions, ethnicities and ways of living. This is why for a globe trotter, visiting this incredible continent and getting a feel of all its cultures is a must. However, since it is not possible to visit the entire continent because of its overpowering size, tourists should consider the top ten places to visit in Asia.

The problem is that with so many sites to choose from, it is always tough to shortlist the top ten places to visit in Asia for the tourists themselves. Here is a list of places that you should consider when making the Asian itinerary:

1. Nepal, where the majestic Mount Everest resides – Home to the largest mountainous peak in the world, seeing the Mount Everest is a dream for most of us. Even if you are not a mountain climber, you can go to Kathmandu and see this majestic peak rising above the horizon from a distance.

2. India, where the Taj Mahal stands with its grandeur and glory – Although India is a mini continent in itself, a trip to Asia would remain incomplete without getting to see the wondrous Taj Mahal in Agra, India. Not only is it an architectural masterpiece but is also a window to the rich history of India under the rule of the Mughal emperors and also among the top ten places to visit in Asia.

3. China, where the Great Wall beckons you – Being the second largest country in the world and one that has been attaining rapid progress over the years, China has become a popular tourist destination. With the Great Wall of China welcoming the tourists towards the country’s history, places such as Tiananmen Square as well as the Forbidden City are totally worth visiting.

4. Malaysia, where nature and modernism combine – Not only is Malaysia blessed with the most beautiful of beaches, hills and other sites for nature lovers, it is also a true face of the modern-day Asia.

5. Pakistan, where history and nature show their true face – Although not considered to be one of the safest countries to travel to, Pakistan’s rich history dates back to centuries, with the remains to be found in a number of cities. While Lahore, Taxilla, Moen Jo Daro and Harappa present a window to its history, the Northern areas are a treat for the nature lovers. K-2, the second largest peak in the world, is also present in Pakistan.

6. Turkey, where centuries’ old history comes to life – Situated on the border of Asia and Europe, Turkey gives an insight into the Islamic history with its beautiful architecture and museums filled with numerous artifacts.

7. Thailand, where spirituality combines with natural beauty – Thailand is the best place to learn about the Buddhist mythology and beliefs with some of the most beautiful and amazing temples present in the country. The country is also rich in natural beauty with its majestic beaches as well as elephant farms and is rightly counted among the top ten places to visit in Asia.

8. Dubai, where the desert breathes life – Home to countless architectural wonders of modern times, Dubai has gone on to become one of the most popular tourist destinations. Blessed with a sunny, warm beach and tropical weather, tourists love visiting this country that falls under the UAE.

9. Singapore, where the developed world becomes apparent – Presenting the face of a progressive and modern Asia, Singapore is a country where you can find all the elements of high standard living combined.

10. Hong Kong, where Disneyland meets Asia – Hong Kong is the home to Asia’s very own Disneyland and an amazing tourist attraction for people coming from all over the world.

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