The country is ruled by King Albert the Second. It is situated between France and Italy, but it has an opening to the sea. Monaco is theoretically a country, but because of its reduced dimensions, it is more like a city. Monaco Ville is the old part of the city, with traditional buildings and with the Royal Palace, Monte Carlo is the new side of the city, and La Condamine represents the West and North West of the city, with the port.
The Mediterranean climate with gentle winters and with 20 degrees in December makes Monaco one of the most wanted tourist destinations, even for the cold season. Only 17 {5ee11404e957289b2d225099b4f7d52b5549ec41b8e6ad1d623dc3506be9751a} of the population is born here, the rest of them being French, Italians and other nationalities. The citizens of this country are spared from taxes, which attracts one of the richest people if the world here.
Monaco is the second smallest country in the world, after Vatican. It is considered a luxury destination, and the prices here are not for anyone. The tourist objectives here are the St Paul Church, which is a part of the eight Anglican Churches from Gibraltar Congregation. The Oceanographic Museum is also an important attraction, but the Monte Carlo Casino and its surrounding gardens represent the most important attraction here. From the gardens, the tourists can reach the commercial area of the city, and behind the casino, terraces with great geometrical forms are built, covering the roof of the Convention Center Auditorium.
Amongst the attractions of this place, Cafe de Paris offers a resembling atmosphere with the cafes from Paris. Although Monte Carlo does not have many museums and monuments, the sightseeing and the possibilities offered here to spend quality free time offer enough reasons for tens of thousands of people to come here every year.
The Casino of Monte Carlo represents the most prestigious casino in Europe. It was opened in 186, and since then, it attracts tens of thousands of tourists. Even if those tourists don’t gamble, they are impressed with the luxury and services here. After the Second World War, the casino was closed, until 1952, when the Greek billionaire Aristotel Onasis bought it. Since 2004, there are some rumors that the American billionaire Steve Wynn wants to build a floating casino and a hotel on the waters in front of the city.
If you plan to visit Monte Carlo, you should prepare lots of money. From the hotels to the souvenirs and food, everything is expensive here, and this is why this is considered one of the most exclusive destinations in the world. On the other hand, a tourist that respects himself would surely want to see Monte Carlo at least once in a lifetime.