Exotic Rafting Tours in India

River Rafting is one of the most thrilling and sensational sports known to man. Those who have experienced the thrill of river rafting can vouch for this fundamental fact. Rafting in turbulent waters is an experience which you will cherish for the rest of your life. The foot-hills of the Himalayas serve as the perfect playground for white water rafting in India.

Be it the Ganga valley or the Brahmaputra valley the excitement of water sports never goes down in any of these stretches. Most of these rivers originate in the icy Himalayas and when they pass through deep gorges burst into silvery white rapids which serve as the perfect backdrop for some exciting water adventure.

In our experience, the best time for river rafting is from September to November or from March to April. River rafting as an adventure sport can be tantalizing but it can also be very risky at times. It is very important that you pay adequate attention to your gear before embarking on any river rafting expedition. Always have your life jacket properly secured around your body, as it will prevent you from drowning. You should wear appropriate head gear to save yourself from any kind of injuries. We offer customized packages for our customers, which include the cost of renting safety gear, as well as personalized services from a life guard during the entire duration of the expedition.

River Rafting as a sport is a test of nerves and requires the players to negotiate the tough uneven stretches of fast-flowing rapids. River Rafting is conducted mainly in the upper reaches of a river where the flow of water is fast and the volume of water is adequate. In any river rafting expedition the fun reaches a crescendo when the rapids fall at deep gradients only to rise again when they hit a rocky surface. The adrenalin rush that one feels while surfing through these rapids is beyond words.

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