Being a pilot is very difficult task. The lives of the people as well as the future of the cargoes in your plane literally lie on your hands. Just like in real life, when you talk about expertise in being a pilot there is always a veteran. How did he come up with such talent? What are the trainings he have done to attain that certain level? How did he cope up with the training? These are just a few of the thousand questions being asked by individuals on how professional pilots grabbed their opportunities and became famous in their field.
There are lots of trainings available for everyone to be a good pilot. Of course the basic knowledge should be taken first before the average lessons should be imposed specially to the new ones. Being a pilot does not only require your passion for it but also knowing the basics just like anything in this world.
As the world revolves, there are tons of new and useful technologies and discoveries that are of much use for everyone that pops up every single day. This technology involves the flight simulation exercises for upcoming pilots using digitally programmed software and games. How can it help? Can an average man use it to become a better pilot? The answer is yes. If you put an ample amount of time using the simulation and understanding the principles that lies within, you can have a few steps ahead of everyone who are not using it.
While everyone can grab a gaming console and start using flight simulation games for good, still there are people that bypasses the lessons that it entails. Some are just using it for their amusement knowing that they can always go back to the very start if you fail. Everyone having this behavior is losing a lot in the education that it brings. When you strive to make the best of what you do, you can be better. If you avoid losing and ethically doing your very best to win, then you are halfway of being the best.
Anything you want to be is all up to you. Back to the question: Does flying simulator games make you a better pilot? It all depends on your behavior, dedication and commitment to be the best. If you set aside an amount of time for it together with understanding the basics and standards then you can be a better pilot because of flight simulation games.